Editing Work

Starting in April 2022, I became an assistant editor at Environmental Health News, where I’m in charge of editing the essays of the Agents of the Change in Environmental Justice fellows, a partnership with Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health. In addition, I have been guest editor for two content series on climate change and energy transition for the independent outlet Mutante.org.

Environmental Health News

2022 - Present


Guest Editor

Conversación "Hablemos de Emergencia Climática" (In Spanish)

As guest editor, I led the conceptualization, planning, editing and fact-checking of the pieces for networks that were part of the conversation on climate change that took place in Mutante's social networks in early 2022.

I also wrote the feature story “Los renacidos del mar” and contributed to the reporting of the short documentary “Los desplazados del mar”, both about the displacement of the coastal community of Punta Soldado, in the Colombian Pacific Coast.

Conversación "Hablemos de Transición Energética Justa" (In Spanish)

As guest editor, I led the conceptualization, planning, writing, editing and fact-checking of the pieces for social networks of the conversation on fair energy transition that took place in Mutante's social networks in mid-2022.

In this conversation, I was part of the editorial team of the texts “Pierden con el carbón y sin él: los dilemas de la transición energética en Cesar” and “Entre el pánico y la confusión técnica, la transición energética no puede convertirse en meme”.